We are thrilled and eager to begin working on your metal building. Our team is committed to delivering top-notch installations and ensuring only the best quality materials are used in the construction of your structure.
We need to go over a few important items:
1. We also ask that you please have all underground utilities marked.
This will ensure a smooth installation process and help us avoid any unnecessary delays.
2. $300 Drawing Fee and Permit & Plan Acknowledgement Form
A $300 drawing fee must be paid upfront before we can send out your Risk I/II drawings or other plans. This fee is required. Additionally, all customers must complete the Permit & Plan Acknowledgement Form, which confirms their understanding of permit responsibilities and the drawing fee. Once the form and payment are received, it will take 3-5 business days for you to receive the drawings.
If you provide documentation from your county confirming that no permit is required (with the installation address), we will waive the drawing fee, but no plans will be issued.
3. We require a picture of your installation site.
Snap a picture of where your structure will be installed and text it to us at 833-763-3353. We will not be able to schedule your install until we receive a picture of your install site. This will help ensure a smooth install when our crews arrive.
4. Please note that all orders over $10,000 require an additional 50% down payment prior to scheduling. We will be in touch with you shortly to arrange for this.
4. Our lead time is currently 4-6 weeks, weather permitting. We will do our best to work with your schedule and provide updates along the way.
Please Note:
We look forward to delivering a high-quality metal structure that meets all of your needs. Our scheduling department will talk to you in the next few weeks. Thank you again for choosing Custom Built Structures.
We would love for you to submit pictures to us by going visiting: www.CustomBuiltStructures.com/send
-> By Text to: 833-763-3353
-> By Online Upload Below:
8:30am - 4pm Eastern Time
Monday - Friday
Sat-Sun: Closed
Toll Free 877-552-7020
Local 336-415-4520
510 Riverside Drive, Suite 100
Mount Airy, NC 27030
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